Aching Back

aching back

Oh, My Aching Back! by Dr. Stephen Price, DC

Effective Non-Surgical Treatment

Total Lowback Care Medical Group provides the most effective non-surgical treatment for lower backs which is called VAX-D. VAX D is an in-office, outpatient procedure. It is so effective because the treatment creates a vacuum in the disc space allowing the disc space to fill with nutrients, minerals and new cells to allow the disc to repair naturally from the inside out. I have adapted this technology for the correction of neck related problems, as well.

Vax-D should be considered when the person is no longer making improvements with other care, such as Chiropractic, Pilates, Physical Therapy, etc. Vax-D has the ability to improve 93% of these cases.

Protein and Weak Discs

Through the accomplishments I have had in dealing with very difficult low back conditions, I have found some little-known facts relating to back problems. Here are some tips to keep your discs strong:

If you do not supply the discs with enough protein, the discs become weak and easily injured. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) is the acid in the stomach used to digest protein. It has been found that chronic HCL deficiency in your stomach can lead to a gradual weakening of the disc material. As someone gets older their body does not produce enough HCL and this will accelerate the symptoms of aging, not only in the discs but in the joints.

There is a theory that chronic HCL deficiency can be seen by raised stripes of fingernail tissue that forms lines on the fingernails. Stomach acid is very, very acidic. HCL supplements (called Betaine Hydrochloride or Betaine HCL) will increase the acidity in the stomach which will accomplish a more complete protein breakdown, not only allowing better digestion but better nutrition for the discs. Some minerals, especially calcium can only be absorbed by the body in a very acidic environment. This will make the discs strong.

Therefore, to improve disc problems or to avert them, you should take hydrochloric acid supplements, multiple minerals, drink plenty of water (at least ½ of an ounce of water per body weight pound – that is 75 ounces a day for a 150 pound body), get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night and some form of mild exercise such as walking, low impact aerobics, working out in a gym, Pilates, etc., for flexibility and strength.

The Seven Minute Stretch

The other thing that I have found is that tight hamstrings lead to chronic low back pain as well. Plan to stretch for more than seven minutes; this will give you real improvement. The length of time that you do your stretching is more important than stretching harder. In order to make permanent flexibility, it needs to be a constant stretch with some pain. And try to stretch every other day, minimally. It is very important not to stretch with a rounded back or standing trying to touch your toes, as this can create damage.

Stretch with a perfectly straight back or arched, not bent over. Sit on the floor with your back against the wall, and lean forward with a straight back. Remember, to do this for a seven minute period. Then you can find other areas that you want to stretch and do those for seven minutes, also.

Dr. Price:

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