“Mental Health” Conditions
There are many things written about emotional or mental instability, serious “medical conditions” such as depression, anxiety, etc. etc. etc.
In the past, if a person was “depressed”, a medical doctor would call it the “blues” and tell the patient that it will pass in a week or two. Now, they are labeled with the term “depression”, and they are given drugs which in many cases have been shown to worsen the condition.
How do these medications treat these mental health conditions?
These drugs are designed to effect the pituitary gland, the master gland of the body, this will then effect the adrenal gland (this is part of the Pituitary-Adrenal Axis) which then will unbalance the entire hormonal/glandular system as the body tries to adjust to the drugs (thus you also get side effects) This creates even further problems if you try to withdraw from these drugs, you again unbalance the hormonal system as the body tries to re-adjust. Some people have a great deal of problems trying to withdraw and feel they can’t get off them. This sometimes gets labeled as “return of symptoms” when it is really just the body’s reaction to the drug.
This situation repeats with label of “anxiety” which is now treated with a drug.
Withdrawing from these anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs has side effects which includes anxiety and a lot more. In addition, if a person uses certain type of medications, they can experience side effects – one being tardive dyskinesia. Lately, instead of taking the person off the drug and treating it with B12 and other nutrients to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients that the drug will create, they are given another medication to treat this side effect.
It seems that there should be non-toxic, non-chemical way to get through depression, anxiety or other emotional problems. We found there is.
We also have a list of Books that will enable you to understand and get help with natural methods. Books: Natural Help for Mental Health Conditions
Studies Recent Advances in Nutrition fo the Treatment of Depressive Disorder
The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence Molecular Psychiatry Abstract 20 July 2022
Findings show that this is false – read the Abstract
Are you having trouble getting off of psychiatric drugs?
Some Information about the Psychiatric Labeling:
Psychiatry—Labeling Kids with Bogus ‘Mental Disorders’
ADHD—Labeling normal kids “mentally ill”
About Psychiatric Drugs taken for Mental Health Disorders
Guns & Doses – School Shootings
Nutritional Supplements:
There are many supplements that can help. Sometimes what appears to be a mental health condition is just a deficiency of essential fatty acids, B vitamins, etc.
If you saw a tiger, your thought would be danger and your emotion could very well be anxiety. But you knew why you were anxious. You body’s response would be to produce adrenalin so you could “fight or take flight”.
Now suppose your body was under stress due to deficiencies and you felt anxiety. You wouldn’t know what caused this emotion and thus you can be labeled “anxiety disorder”
It’s far better to find out what your body needs.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids– Has been known to relieve depression and bring about a better frame of mind. It is noted that the psychiatric drugs will create a deficiency of essential fatty acids. For anyone who has taken a psychiatric drug, should supplement with this formula.
We recommend a cold water fish oil as a source of these fatty acids. Cold water fish come from deep in the ocean where there they are not subjected to the toxins found in other parts of the ocean.
For a brand we recommend Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements
Deficiency of B Vitamins
B1 Deficiency
You may find you have other symptoms beside Restless Leg Syndrome, check out the video.
We suggest Benfotiamine as a form of B1 that will be used by the body and will be able to handle the deficiency.
See our article on the B1 formula we suggest.
Good digestion has a calming effect on the nervous system. In fact, medical research has demonstrated that gastrointestinal inflammation is frequently associated with depression. This has been called the “gut-brain” axis. A team of European researchers have concluded that “treating gastrointestinal inflammation may also improve depression symptoms and quality of life”.
See abstract from NIMH on Digestion & Depression
Due to the connection between depression and digestion, we recommend improving your digestion.
Brain & Digestive System Connection
“How do the brain and digestive system work together? The enteric nervous system (ENS) cells in the lining of the gut communicate with the brain, which controls the body’s vital functions.
As part of that system, millions of sympathetic nerves and neurons run between your gut and brain. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression.”
NSC (Nutritional Scientific Corporation)
What we recommend Improving Your Digestion
Build a Healthy Digestion System and boost your Metabolism
See Improving Your Metabolism
Need help getting off of Psychiatric Drugs
For other than nutritional help – Modern Science of Mental Health
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