All Natural Pain Relief
Natural Pain Relief
Irrespective of the characteristic of the pain, whether it is sharp, dull, aching, burning, stabbing, numbing or tingling, all pain arise from inflammation and the inflammatory response. Sota Omoigui, MD
See The Biochemical Origin of Pain: The origin of all Pain is Inflammation and the Inflammatory Response. PART 2 of 3 –Inflammatory Profile of Pain Syndrome National Library Of Medicine
Get head to toe pain relief, gently and safely, without any need for habit-forming, pain-killer drugs as medications.
RHP® Advanced Pain Relief Cream
Relief is ideal for reducing or getting rid of muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, head and neck pain, pain caused by arthritis, minor injuries, and much more. It’s also perfect for pain caused by nerves.
Advanced Natural Pain Relief Cream Benefits Include:
- Penetrates quickly to relieve aches and pains.
- Eases Joint Soreness & Stiffness
- Alleviates Sore Muscles, Aches, Strains and Pains
- Non-greasy and quickly absorbed by the skin
When you’re dealing with pain, and you want relief, you usually want it now! Fortunately for you, nature can provide that to you utilizing our Advanced Natural Pain Relief Cream — From head to toe, experience immediate relief from pain, gently and safely, without any need for habit-forming painkillers or medications.
The RHP Advanced Natural Pain Relief Cream is ideal for reducing or getting rid of muscle pain, joint pain, back pain, head and neck pain, pain caused by arthritis, minor injuries, and much more. It’s also perfect for pain caused by your nerves.
Ingredients – What’s in the Natural Pain Cream (you can read more about the ingredients in the link below)
- Menthol 3.7% (Active Ingredient): Provides Deep Soothing Relief from Pain, Cools Skin, Local Analgesic
- Arnica Montana Extract: Increases Circulation, Speeds Recovery
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Promotes Normal Nerve Function
- MSM: Supports Healthy Connective Tissues
- Ilex Leaf extract: Natural Caff eine That Increases Circulation, Skin Conditioner
- Tea Tree Oil: Penetrates Skin, Accelerates Healing
- Vitamin E: Enhances Blood Circulation, Skin Hydrating
- Aloe: Softens and Hydrates Skin
MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the results you seek. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster!
To learn more and to
Learn more Order – RHP Pain Relief Cream
Or Call to Order 818 252-1038
Inflammation in the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain
Preclinical Assessment of Inflammatory Pain
More Studies found under “Inflammation cause of pain”
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