Benefits of Camel Milk for a Leaky Gut

for a leaky gutFrom the scientific research and studies regarding the connection between gut health and overall health, scientists are beginning to understand the vital role the gut plays in good health.

Studies have already discovered fascinating links between gut health and weight control, thyroid function, mood, and cognition – just to name a few health issues.

In addition, researchers are exploring links between gut health and special needs, diabetes, and depression, as well as many other diseases that may be connected with the state of our gut.

In ancient times, doctors believed that particular ailments originated from imbalances in the stomach. This idea was discarded in later years by the medical profession, but it now appears the ancient doctors were onto something.

The term “leaky gut” has gained more attention in recent years, and an understanding of leaky gut, and how it can affect the body, is opening a door to solutions for improved gut and overall health.


The gut barrier’s job is to make sure nutrients are allowed into the blood stream, while passing the harmful bacteria and toxins through the body without harming you.

When the gut barrier becomes too permeable (allowing too many substances to pass through too easily), it becomes “leaky gut syndrome”. Large protein molecules and toxins pass into the blood stream when they are not meant to. When your body finds these substances in places they are not meant to be, it attacks them, triggering an immune response.


A leaky gut can lead to digestive nightmares such as bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, and even more serious autoimmune problems.

Autoimmune disease occurs because the body’s natural defenses — the immune system — attack the body’s own healthy tissue on an ongoing basis. Several recent clinical studies identified that the function of the intestinal barrier is a major factor in autoimmune diseases.


We are all born with a leaky gut (literally an open, permeable gut lining). As we consume our mother’s nursing milk, which is rich in colostrum and contains many growth factors and immune factors, these substances pass into the bloodstream and form our immune system and develop a healthy internal environment. Once this happens, the gut is meant to naturally close, allowing the bacteria to adhere to the gut lining, which develops a healthy mucous thanks to the colostrum.

In the world today there are millions of people who lack the good bacteria needed to properly absorb nutrition from food and also keep out bad bacteria. They no longer have the ability to detoxify and maintain cleanliness of the blood. All the while, the undiagnosed, chronic lack of good bacteria and compromised gut health remains untreated.

It is now clear that the state of our gut lining and gut microbiota (microorganisms) is a direct window into our overall health. Numerous factors can negatively affect the lining and gut microbiota, including diet, stress, antibiotics, and advancing age. When the lining is too permeable, and the gut microbiota is out of balance, it plays a role in the development of non-optimum health conditions.


If you thought the answer is one hundred million you are not even close. Try 100 trillion. This enormous, complex ecosystem contains over 1,000 different species of bacteria.


Underlying an unhealthy gut is unhealthy gut bacteria, due to:

– The types of bacteria present in our gut
– The populations of those bacteria
– The ratios between each bacterium
– A permeable gut lining that is not keeping unhealthy bacteria and toxins out of the body.

These variables are closely related, so if a person has issues with one, most likely they will have issues with the others as well.

Most people assume that “gut problems” must mean “digestive problems.” Sometimes, that is the case. But in reality, the problem is broader than that.

The evidence clearly indicates that, even if you do not have serious digestive problems, you could still have an unhealthy gut microbiome (the ecosystem of bacteria in the gut).

Healing the gut is something we all need to consider if we want to experience good health, so doesn’t it make sense that if we introduce a source of good bacteria and nutrients into our body, we will experience improvement in our health?



Camel milk is recognized as a superfood that contains over 120 strains of lactic acid bacteria and has peptides and proteins that exhibit biological activities that have a beneficial effect on many bioprocesses such as digestion, absorption, growth and immunity.  It is food.

Camel milk has been used for thousands of years as a drink to support good health and has been clinically proven to improve bacterial imbalances. Some bacteria such as Allobaculum, Akkermansia and Bifidobacterium increase in abundance with camel milk.

Camel milk contains prebiotics in the form of oligosaccharides (1). Prebiotics play a key role in feeding healthy bacteria and supporting their growth in the digestive system, resulting in improved health. Oligosaccharides promote the growth of healthy bacteria while inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the colon.

Camel milk also contains several probiotics that may make the gut healthy, like Enterococcus durans, Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus lactis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Lactobacillus lactis, and Lactobacillus pentosus (2). It has been proven that E. lactis can stop the growth of certain hazardous bacteria. L. pentosus may prevent infection by inhibiting Helicobacter pylori and aid better gut health (3).

With camel milk as part of your daily diet, there’s the potential for better gut health which can positively impact your overall health.\


Why Camelicious? Camelicious comes from a state-of-the-art facility in Dubai, the leading camel farm and dairy in the world.

Camel Milk Ingredients – Why So Nutritious? 

Read more about Camel Milk for a Leaky Gut

Purelife Care+ Camelicious with ERDS is the same high quality camel milk powder with the added benefit of ERDS. ERDS is a natural vitamin formulation that promotes the body’s ability to rapidly absorb the nutrition in the camel milk, so it’s “supercharged” camel milk.

Read about PureLife Care+ It is natural nutrition including Camel Milk that works at the cellular level to improve metabolism and gut health (your microbiome), thereby reducing insulin resistance and inflammation.  

Want to try Camel Milk?   Try 2 Packets for 24% Off & Free Shipping


1. Fukuda K, Yamamoto A, Ganzorig K, et al. Chemical characterization of the oligosaccharides in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) milk and colostrum. J Dairy Sci. 2010;93(12):5572-87. PMID: 21094729
2. Davati N, Tabatabaee Yazdi F, Zibaee S, Shahidi F, Edalatian MR. Study of Lactic Acid Bacteria Community From Raw Milk of Iranian One Humped Camel and Evaluation of Their Probiotic Properties. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. 2015;8(5):e16750. doi:10.5812/jjm.8(5)2015.16750
3. Zheng PX, Fang HY, Yang HB, Tien NY, Wang MC, Wu JJ. Lactobacillus pentosus strain LPS16 produces lactic acid, inhibiting multidrug-resistant Helicobacter pylori. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2016;49(2):168-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2014.04.014

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