Maltitol, a Sugar Substitute

Polyols which are used as food additives – structural chemical formulas, 2d vector, eps 8
Maltitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute. It has 90% the sweetness of sugar. Its properties are close to sugar, except for the browning use of sugar.
It is used to very easily replace sugar.
Unfortunately, maltitol is well known to cause gastric distress, particularly if consumed in great quantities. Commercially, it is known under trade names such as Maltisorb and Maltisweet.
Production and uses
Commercially, maltitol is produced by Cerestar, Roquette, SPI Polyols, Inc., and Towa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd among other companies.
It is used mostly in production of sweets – sugarless hard candies, chewing gum, chocolates, baked goods, and ice cream.
Metabolism of maltitol
Maltitol is more suitable for people with diabetes than white sugar (sucrose). It is very important to note that it does affect blood sugar impact. Fructose, actually have a significantly lower impact on blood sugar.
Since it has such sugar like properties, sweet producers use it in vast quantities.
Due to its slow absorption, excessive consumption can have laxative effect and often can cause gas and/or bloating.
See Aspartame
See Saccharin
See Splenda
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