Breakthrough in Understanding the Metabolic Syndrome
Targeted Nutrition at the Cellular Level for Your Metabolism
Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemical process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.
A Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.
Combining its two Greek roots, syndrome means basically “running together”. a condition or disease tends to have a group of symptoms existing together.
Metabolic Syndrome – metabolic disorder, deficiency or imbalance – happens at a cellular level.
Metabolism is a process that occurs at a cellular level where the cell creates energy from the foods you eat.
This means that metabolically unhealthy people can have severe problems in every system of their body.
Well-functioning cells create a healthy body, one that meets the challenge of daily living well. When that process goes awry the result is impaired functioning and non-optimum health conditions.
What can you do?
Give Yourself a Metabolic boost using what has been shown to promote healthy gut, protect intestinal integrity and boost immune function.
Learn more Improving Metabolism
HOW TO BUILD YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF Y OUR FAMILY – Getting educated in nutrition and how the body works will take you on the road to good health. We found a great science-based program to learn the basics so you know what you should be eating and what you shouldn’t be eating and WHY.
We now have the link for Understanding Nutrition Education Course
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