What is A Fatty Liver?

fatty liver needs helpThe liver is the major organ for detoxification. It detoxifies, by metabolizing and/or secreting the toxins out of the body.  A damaged fatty liver can not work to do its job.

A fatty liver happens when too much fat builds up in your liver. Although it is normal to have a tiny amount of fat in these cells, the liver is considered fatty if more than 5% of it is fat.  80-100 million are thought to be affected by a fatty liver in the US.

Fatty Liver Disease is characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the liver cells.

A fatty liver usually has no symptoms, so diagnosis often occurs by accident when an imaging study (such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI) is requested for another reason. A fatty liver may also be identified on an imaging test as a part of investigating abnormal liver blood tests.

Remember, your liver is the second largest organ in your body. It helps process nutrients from food and beverages and filters harmful substances from your blood. Too much fat in your liver can cause inflammation and create scarring, and in severe cases, this can lead to liver failure.

There are two types of fatty livers:

Alcoholic Fatty Liver – This is what most people think of when they hear of liver damage. This fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol. This type will damage and eventually destroy the liver.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (you may see it referred to as NAFLD) – this is a liver condition that is affecting an ever-increasing number of Americans. and it has nothing to do with alcohol. The liver can be damaged over the years in many ways – by smoking, sugar-laden sodas, fried foods, processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins.

These all tax the liver, but sugary, fried, and processed foods give the body a real problem. The excess sugar and fat cannot be utilized by the body and so is stored as fat in the body, and particularly in the liver.  There does appear to be a connection between the disease and insulin resistance.

The result is a compromised liver, and the toxins that are normally filtered out can re-circulate through the body re-exposing it to harmful compounds and can trigger a toxic overload.

This liver condition may have significant implications for health.

It is estimated that 25% to 30% of adults in the United States and Europe have a fatty liver. Even more worrying is the fact that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is now the most common liver disease in children today with an estimated prevalence of 7 million affected children in the US.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now referred to as metabolic-dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) – a more accurate description.

Do you know a Fatty Liver may be connected to Post Pandemic Symptoms? 

Steps you can take to restore liver health

You can reverse a fatty liver by changing your diet.

Avoid these foods:

  • Strictly eliminating foods containing fructose and high fructose corn syrup, as well as sucrose or any added sugars is the first step.
  • Processed foods, especially any foods containing added fructose, corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup.
  • Any vegetable seed oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil.
  • Alcohol
  • Certain medications including acetaminophen and ibuprofen

Foods to eat more of:

  • Egg yolks
  • Grass fed liver
  • Naturally raised meats, poultry and fish—you may need to considering eating these even if you are vegetarian or vegan
  • Beans and peas
  • Liver boosting foods such as artichokes, arugula, and dandelion
  • Green leafy vegetables which are high in folate

In addition, taking supplements can help the liver clear out fat, while rebuilding and lowering inflammation.

Supplements like probiotics, resveratrol, curcumin, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin D may help to naturally improve a fatty liver and overall health.

And don’t forget to get regular exercise, which can help you burn off excess glucose, increase your insulin sensitivity, and help you lose weight.


Building a health liver.  A formula for METABOLISM & LIVER HEALTH 

You can learn about this formula and you can order at PureLife Care+

HOW TO BUILD YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF Y OUR FAMILY – Getting educated in nutrition and how the body works will take you on the road to good health. We found a great science-based program to learn the basics so you know what you should be eating and what you shouldn’t be eating and WHY.

We now have the link for Eat Well Nutritional Education Course


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